A Journey to Israel

Getting there (Trip  Journal)
Saturday - Caesarea & Akko
Sunday - Jaffa's Old City & Tel Aviv
Monday - Beit She'an
Tuesday - Masada To Jerusalem
Wednesday & Thursday- Jerusalem
Friday - Beit Shemesh & Tel Aviv
Musings In the Air (Trip Journal)
Credits & Thank You's

Beit She'an    

Trip Journal for Monday, 17Apr2006

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Beit She'an, looking down Palladius Street with the Tel in the background.

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Beit She'an, the dedication mosaic to Govenor Palladius who built the covered portico.  4th century CE.

beit008.jpg (127129 bytes) Beit She'an, somewhere near Silvanus Street.
beit004.jpg (51465 bytes) The Tel, found amongst the Egyptian ruins.
beit012.jpg (59287 bytes) Beit She'an, the temple ruins.
beit019.jpg (51243 bytes) Beit She'an,  the theater as seen from the side of the tel.
beit014.jpg (45068 bytes) Beit She'a, unknown location.
beit022.jpg (56326 bytes) Beit She'an, column detail.

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Beit She'an, the view to Palladius Street from the west.

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The Tel, view to Jordan in the west.

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The Tel, view of the ruins from atop the tel.

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Beit She'an, the colonnade on Silvanus Street.

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Beit She'an,  more along Silvanus Street.

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